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Section 7: Verilog Memory Arrays

In this discussion section, you will use what you have learned in the previous discussion sections to implement a simple register file memory array at the register-transfer level (RTL). We will also learn about implementing parameterized Verilog hardware modules. You will start by implementing a parameterized 4-to-1 mux, parameterized decoder, and parameterized register which are each parameterized by the input/output bitwidth. You will then implement a 4-word 4-bit register file memory array in two ways: (1) structurally by composing the mux, register, and decoder; and (2) flat using a single always_ff and always_comb block.

In the past discussion sections, we have focused on how to use Verilog to model combinational logic at both the gate-level and RTL. In this discussion section, we will only be using RTL. Remember from previous discussion sections that it is critical that students always know what is the hardware they are modeling; students should understand what their RTL would likely turn into at the gate-level.

1. Logging Into ecelinux with VS Code

Follow the same process as previous discussion sections. Find a free workstation and log into the workstation using your NetID and standard NetID password. Then complete the following steps (described in more detail in the last discussion section):

  • Start VS Code
  • Install the Remote-SSH, Verilog, and Surfer extensions
  • Use View > Command Palette to execute Remote-SSH: Connect Current Window to Host...
  • Enter
  • Install the Verilog and Surfer extensions on the server
  • Use View > Explorer to open your home directory on ecelinux
  • Use View > Terminal to open a terminal on ecelinux

There is no need to fork the repo for today's discussion section. Simple clone the repo as follows.

% source
% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300
% git clone sec07
% cd sec07
% tree

The repo includes the following files:

  • Makefile for the build system
  • configure: Configure script for the build system
  • Used to generate the configure script
  • scripts: Scripts used by the build system
  • Mux4_RTL.v: Parameterized 4-to-1 mux in RTL
  • Decoder_RTL.v: Parameterized binary decoder in RTL
  • Register_RTL.v: Parameterized register with reset and enable in RTL
  • RegfileStruct1r1w_4x4b_RTL.v: Regster file using structural RTL
  • RegfileFlat1r1w_4x4b_RTL.v: Regster file using flat RTL
  • test: Directory with unit tests for each hardware module

Go ahead and create a build directory and run configure to generate a Makefile.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec07
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure

To make it easier to cut-and-paste commands from this handout onto the command line, you can tell Bash to ignore the % character using the following command:

% alias %=""

Now you can cut-and-paste a sequence of commands from this tutorial document and Bash will not get confused by the % character which begins each line.

2. Implementing and Testing a Parameterized 4-to-1 RTL Multiplexor

Our goal is to now implement a parameterized 4-to-1 multiplexor using RTL modeling. Parameterized hardware modules have an additional list of parameters as part of their interface. These parameters can be used to specify the bitwidths of ports and declare internal wires. Here is a trivial parameterized pass through module that simply connects the input port to the output port. The pass through module is parameterized by the bitwidths of the input and output ports.

module PassThrough
  parameter p_nbits = 1
  input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in,
  output logic [p_nbits-1:0] out

  assign out = in;


Paarameters are specified as an additional list enclosed in #() before the list of ports. By convention, we prefix all parameters with p_. Parameters can have default values (the default value for p_nbits above is 1). We need new syntax to insantate a module with parameters. The following instantiates two pass through modules with a large module.

module DoublePassThrough_8b
  input  logic [7:0] in,
  output logic [7:0] out

 logic [7:0] pt0_out;

   .in  (in),
   .out (pt0_out)

   .in  (pt0_out),
   .out (out)


To specify parameter values when instantiating a hardware module we use an extra #() before connecting the ports. Our coding conventions require always using named port lists, and usually we always want to use named parameter lists as well so there is no confusion what parmeters we are setting. However, as special exception to our coding conventions, if a module is only parameterized by the bitwidth then you can just use a positional parameter specification like this.

module DoublePassThrough_8b
  input  logic [7:0] in,
  output logic [7:0] out

 logic [7:0] pt0_out;

 PassThrough#(8) pt0
   .in  (in),
   .out (pt0_out)

 PassThrough#(8) pt1
   .in  (pt0_out),
   .out (out)


2.1. Implementing a Parameterized 4-to-1 Multiplexor

We have provided you the interface for a parameterized 4-to-1 mux in Mux4_RTL.v.

module Mux4_RTL
  parameter p_nbits = 1
  input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in0,
  input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in1,
  input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in2,
  input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in3,
  input  logic         [1:0] sel,
  output logic [p_nbits-1:0] out

Activity 1: Implement a Parameterized 4-to-1 Mux

Use what you have learned to create a Verilog hardware design that implements a parameterized 2-to-1 mux. You should have a single always_comb block. Although it is possible to use if/else conditional operators, try using a case statemet instead.

2.2. Testing a Parameterized 4-to-1 Multiplexor

Testing parameterized hardware modules is more challenging since we need to instantiate the design under test with many different parameters and then throughly test each instance. We have provided you a test bench in Mux4_RTL-test.v. Notice how we have a separate parameterized test module; the test cases in the test module are all parameterized so we can use the same test cases to test modules with different parameter values.

You can run the test simulator for the mux as follows. Currently we are only testing a 1-bit 4-to-1 mux.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec07/build
% make Mux4_RTL-test
% ./Mux4_RTL-test

Activity 2: Test Parameterized 4-to-1 Mux

Instantiate TestMux4 two more times to test a 5-bit 4-to-1 mux and a 32-bit 4-to-1 test. Use run_test_suite in the top-level initial block to run these two new test suites. Build and run the updated test simulator to verify the parameterized mux works for a variety of different parameters.

3. Implementing and Testing a Parameterized RTL Decoder

We will now implement a parameterized binary decoder using RTL modeling. Recall that a decoder takes as input a binary number and produces a one-hot encoding of that binary number. If the input is 0, then bit 0 should be 1 and the remaining bits should be 0. If the input is 1, then bit 1 should be 1 and the remaining bits should be 0.

We will need to start understanding the static elaboration phase of hardware modeling. Static elaboration involves generating hardware, and is a form of meta-programming (i.e., programs that generate programs). Static elaboration is not about modeling hardware; it is about generating hardware. Static elaboration happens once when we construct the hardware (or construct a simulator); static elaboration is very seperate from runtime when the hardware is actually executing. Let's look at the interface for the parameterized mux.

module Decoder_RTL
  parameter p_nbits = 4
  input  logic [$clog2(p_nbits)-1:0] in,
  output logic         [p_nbits-1:0] out

$clog2() is a new Verilog construct that returns the ceiling log base 2 of its input. This enables us to specify a 2-to-4 decoder: we specify p_nbits as 4 and the input port will be automatically determined to hvae a bitwidth of 2 at static elaboration time. $clog2() has nothing to do with modeling hardware. It is only used for generating hardware. Here it is used to determine a bitwidth based on a parameter value.

3.1. Implementing a Parameterized Decoder

We have provided you the interface for a parameterized decoder in Decoder_RTL.v.

Activity 3: Implement a Parameterized Decoder

Use what you have learned to create a Verilog hardware design that implements a parameterized decoder. You should have a single always_comb block. Then run the tests in Decoder_RTL-test.v.

4. Implementing and Testing a Parameterized RTL Register

We will now implement a parameterized register using RTL modeling.

4.1. Implementing a Parameterized Register

We have provided you the interface for a parameterized register in Register_RTL.v.

module Register_RTL
  parameter p_width = 1
  input  logic               clk,
  input  logic               rst,
  input  logic               en,
  input  logic [p_width-1:0] d,
  output logic [p_width-1:0] q

Activity 4: Implement a Parameterized Register

Use what you have learned to create a Verilog hardware design that implements a parameterized register. You should have a single always_ff block with an if/else conditional operation to handle the reset and enable signals. Then run the tests in Register_RTL-test.v.

5. Implementing and Testing a Structural Register File

A memory array is a two-dimensional array of sequential logic gates (also called "bit cells"). A register file is a specific kind of memory array where D flip-flops are used as the sequental logic gates. We can implement a register file structurally using the mux, decodier, and register developed earlier in this discussion section.

This register file has four "words" and each word is 4-bits. The register file has one write port and one read port (i.e., we can do a 4-bit write and a 4-bit read at the same time). The read port is combinational; if we set the read address then the read data comes back that same cycle (i.e., combinationally).

We have provided you the following Verilog structural template for this register file in RegfileStruct1r1w_4x4b_RTL.v:

module RegfileStruct1r1w_4x4b_RTL
  input  logic       clk,
  input  logic       rst,

  input  logic       wen,
  input  logic [1:0] waddr,
  input  logic [3:0] wdata,

  input  logic [1:0] raddr,
  output logic [3:0] rdata

  // Write Address Decoder

  logic [3:0] regfile_en;

  Decoder_RTL#(4) waddr_decoder
    .in  (waddr),
    .out (regfile_en)

  // Register file array

  logic [3:0] regfile_q [4];

  genvar i;
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1 ) begin : regfile

     //''' ACTIVITY ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
     // Instantate a 4-bit register and connect appropriately


  // Read mux

  Mux4_RTL#(4) mux
    .in0 (regfile_q[0]),
    .in1 (regfile_q[1]),
    .in2 (regfile_q[2]),
    .in3 (regfile_q[3]),
    .sel (raddr),
    .out (rdata)


This template is again making use of static elaboration. The generate loop is a new Verilog construct which can be used to programmatically instantiate hardware modules at static elaboration time. Generate loops do not happen at runtime when the hardware is actually executing. The generate loop in this template is used to instantiate four registers. These kind of generate statemts can greatly simplify complex hardware (especially complex parameterized hardware).

The following construct from the template creates an array of signals:

  logic [3:0] regfile_q [4];

This creates an array of four signals, each signal is four-bits.

Activity 5: Implement and Test Structural Register File

Instantiate your 4-bit register using your parameterized register in the template. Verify your register file works using the provided test bench in RegfileStruct1r1w_4x4b_RTL-test.v.

6. Implementing and Testing a Flat Register File

We can also implement a register file flat using a single always_ff block for the write ports and a single always_comb block for the read port. We will use an array of signals to act as the state.

  logic [3:0] regfile [4];

You can read and write four-bit signals from this array by simply indexing into it. So the following will write the binary value 0011 into the second signal in this array.

  always_comb begin
    regfile[1] = 4'b0011;

Activity 6: Implement and Test Flat Register File

Implement the flat register file using a single always_ff block and a single always_comb block. Verify your register file works using the provided test bench in RegfileFlat1r1w_4x4b_RTL-test.v.

7. Clean Build

As a final step, do a clean build to verify everything is working correctly.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec07
% trash build
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check