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Section 6: Lab 3 Head Start

In this discussion section you will use what you have learned in the previous discussion sections to get started on Lab 3. You will start by implementing a D latch, D flip-flop, D flip-flop with reset and enable, and a 8-bit register all at the gate-level. You will then implement a parameterized multi-bit register and simple counter at the register-transfer level. Feel free to copy any code you would like from your work in this discussion section into your lab group repo.

In the past discussion sections, we have focused on how to use Verilog to model combinational logic at both the gate-level and register-transfer-level (RTL). In this discussion section, we will learn how to use Verilog to model sequential logic. Gate-level modeling of sequential logic largely uses similar syntax and semantics to modeling combinational logic at the gate level, but RTL modeling of sequential logic will require new syntax and semantics which we will need to understand and use carefully. Remember from last discussion section that it is critical that students always know what is the hardware they are modeling whether they are working at the gate- or register-transfer level.

1. Logging Into ecelinux with VS Code

Follow the same process as previous discussion sections. Find a free workstation and log into the workstation using your NetID and standard NetID password. Then complete the following steps (described in more detail in the last discussion section):

  • Start VS Code
  • Install the Remote-SSH, Verilog, and Surfer extensions
  • Use View > Command Palette to execute Remote-SSH: Connect Current Window to Host...
  • Enter
  • Install the Verilog and Surfer extensions on the server
  • Use View > Explorer to open your home directory on ecelinux
  • Use View > Terminal to open a terminal on ecelinux

There is no need to fork the repo for today's discussion section. Simple clone the repo as follows.

% source
% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300
% git clone sec06
% cd sec06
% tree

The repo includes the following files:

  • Makefile for the build system
  • configure: Configure script for the build system
  • Used to generate the configure script
  • scripts: Scripts used by the build system
  • Adder_8b_RTL.v: 8-bit RTL adder (copy from lab 2)
  • Mux2_1b_GL.v: 8-bit RTL adder (copy from lab 2)
  • DLatch_GL.v: 1-bit D latch at gate-level
  • DFF_GL.v: 1-bit D flip-flop at gate-level
  • DFFRE_GL.v: 1-bit D flip-flop with reset and enable at gate-level
  • Register_8b_GL.v: 8-bit register with reset and enable at gate-level
  • Register_RTL.v: Parameterized register with reset and enable at RTL
  • SimpleCounter_8b_RTL.v: Simple counter that counts up in structural RTL
  • test: Directory with unit tests for each hardware module

Go ahead and create a build directory and run configure to generate a Makefile.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure

To make it easier to cut-and-paste commands from this handout onto the command line, you can tell Bash to ignore the % character using the following command:

% alias %=""

Now you can cut-and-paste a sequence of commands from this tutorial document and Bash will not get confused by the % character which begins each line.

2. Mux and Adder from Lab 2

Copy your 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor and your 8-bit RTL adder from Lab 2 into the hw directory for this discussion section. Verify that these hardware modules are working.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make Mux2_1b_GL-test
% make Adder_8b_RTL-test
% ./Mux2_1b_GL-test
% ./Adder_8b_RTL-test

3. Implementing and Testing D Latch, D Flip-Flops, and Register

We will start by exploring how to implement and test three different single-bit sequential logic gates: D latch, D flip-flop, and a D flip-flop with reset and enable.

3.1 D Latch

A D latch has a data input (d) and a clock input (clk) and one output (q). A D latch is transparent when the clock is one (i.e., the input passes directly to the output) and is opaque with the clock is zero (i.e., the latch "remembers" the value right before the clock transitioned to zero and holds this value while the latch is opaque).

We have provided you the interface a D latch in DLatch_GL.v and a test bench in DLatch_GL-test.v. For the test bench, we have provided you a template for an exhaustive test case; all you need to do is fill in the correct output values for each provided check. Notice that our checks look exactly like the simulation tables we have studied in lecture with an explicit column for the clock signal. You can test the D latch as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make DLatch_GL-test
% ./DLatch_GL-test

Activity 1: Implement and Test D Latch

Create a Verilog hardware design that implements a D latch using the explicit gate-level modeling (do not use Boolean logic equations). Finish the test bench and verify that your D latch is functionally correct.

3.2 D Flip-Flop

A D flip-flop has a data input (d) and a clock input (clk) and one output (q). Unlike a D latch, a D flip-flop is never transparent. A D flip-flop samples its input right before the positive edge of the clock and then holds this value for the entire clock period until the next rising edge. We can implement a D flip-flop with two latches: a leader latch and a follower latch. The leader latch uses the complement of the clock so that only one latch is ever transparent on either phase of the clock.

We have provided you the interface a D flip-flop in DFF_GL.v and a test bench in DFF_GL-test.v. For the test bench, we have provided you a template for an exhaustive test case; all you need to do is fill in the correct output values for each provided check. You can test the D flip-flop as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make DFF_GL-test
% ./DFF_GL-test

Activity 2: Implement and Test D Flip-Flop

Create a Verilog hardware design that implements a D flip-flop by instantiating two D latches and connecting them appropriately. You will also need a NOT gate (do not use Boolean logic equations). Finish the test bench and verify that your D flip-flop is functionally correct.

3.3 D Flip-Flop with Reset and Enable

We can also add a reset (rst) and enable (en) to our D flip-flop. The reset signal is used to reset the D flip-flop to a known value. In our case we will reset the flip-flop to zero. The enable signal is used to decided whether or not the flip-flop is "enabled": if the flip-flop is enabled (i.e., en is one) then the flip-flop will sample a new value on the rising edge of the clock; but if the flip-flop is disabled then the flip-flop will hold the old value and not sample a new value on the rising edge of the clock. We can implement a D flip-fop with reset and enable by adding a multiplexor, AND gate, and NOT gate to our D flip-flop.

We have provided you the interface a D flip-flop with reset and enable in DFFRE_GL.v and a test bench in DFFRE_GL-test.v. We have already provided you all of the test cases you need for the D flip-flop with reset and enable. You can test this new version of the D flip-flop as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make DFFRE_GL-test
% ./DFFRE_GL-test

Activity 3: Implement and Test D Flip-Flop with Reset and Enable

Create a Verilog hardware design that implements a D flip-flop with reset and enable by instantiating a D flip-flop, 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor, AND gate, and NOT gate and connecting them appropriately. Do not use Boolean logic equations. Verify that your new D flip-flop passes all of the provided test cases.

3.4 Gate-Level Register

To implement a multi-bit register we just need to instantiate a number of D flip-flops and connect them appropriately. We have provided you the interface an eight-bit register in Register_8b_GL.v and a test bench in Register_8b_GL-test.v. For the test bench, we have provided you a template for your test cases; all you need to do is fill in the correct output values for each provided check. Take a closer look at the provided test bench.

  task test_case_1_basic();
    t.test_case_begin( "test_case_1_basic" );

    //    rst en d             q
    check( 0, 1, 8'b0000_0000, 8'b0000_0000 );
    check( 0, 1, 8'b0000_0001, 8'b0000_0000 );
    check( 0, 1, 8'b0000_0000, 8'b0000_0001 );
    check( 0, 1, 8'b0000_0010, 8'b0000_0000 );
    check( 0, 1, 8'b0000_0000, 8'b0000_0010 );


Notice how we no longer explicitly include the clock signal in our checks. The ECE 2300 testing framework takes care of toggling the clock appropriately, so we can think of each check corresponding to the row in our simulation tables when the clock is one. We will now always have exactly one check per cycle. In the above basic test, we can see that the output q is updated the cycle after we set the input value d. This is because we are testing sequential logic. It is important to understand how this works so you can effectively write tests for sequential logic.

You can run the test simulator for the register as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make Register_8b_GL-test
% ./Register_8b_GL-test

Activity 4: Implement and Test GL Register

Create a Verilog hardware design that implements an eight-bit register with reset and enable by instantiating eight D flip-flops and connecting them appropriately. Finish the test bench and verify that your register is functionally correct.

3. Implementing and Testing a Parameterized RTL Register

Our goal is to now implement a parameterized multi-bit register using RTL modeling, but we need to learn two new concepts before we can complete this task.

4.1. RTL Modeling of Sequential Logic

In the last discussion section, we learned how to use an always_comb block for RTL modeling of combinational logic. always_ff is a new kind of always block specifically for RTL modeling of sequential logic. The following is an example of a D flip-flop modeled using an always_ff block.

module DFF_RTL
  input  logic clk,
  input  logic d,
  output logic q

  always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
    q <= d;


An always_comb block executes whenever any of the inputs to that block change. An always_ff @(posedge clk) block only executes on the rising edge of the clock. Notice how we are using a non-block assignment (<=) instead of a blocking assignment (=). A non-block assignment has very different semantics to a blocking assignment. In a non-blocking assignment, the right-hand side (i.e., d) is evaluated and saved before the rising clock edge and the left-hand side (i.e., q) is only updated after the rising clock edge. Critically, the right-hand side is evaluated and saved in every always_ff across the entire hardware design before updating any left-hand side. This effectively models all of these assignments happening concurrently on the rising edge of the clock which is exactly what happens in hardware. We should only use non-blocking assignments in always_ff blocks, and we should only use blocking assignments in always_comb blocks. We should never mix these up!

4.2. Parameterized Hardware Modules

So far all of our designs have been for a fixed bitwidth. For example, we have implemented various adders specifically designed for eight-bit inputs and outputs. If we need a new adder for 12-bit inputs and outputs we would need to implement and test this module from scratch. We can develop parameterized hardware modules by using Verilog parameters. Here is an example of how we can implement a parameterized RTL adder that can operate on inputs and outputs of any bitwidth.

module Adder_RTL
  parameter p_nbits = 1
  (* keep=1 *) input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in0,
  (* keep=1 *) input  logic [p_nbits-1:0] in1,
  (* keep=1 *) input  logic               cin,
  (* keep=1 *) output logic               cout,
  (* keep=1 *) output logic [p_nbits-1:0] sum

  assign {cout,sum} = in0 + in1 + { {p_nbits-1}{1'b0}, cin };


Parameters are specified as a list using #() after the module name. In the above example we have one parameter named p_nbits with a default value of 1. This parameter is then used to specify the bitwidths of the input ports in0 and in1 as well as the bitwidth of the output port sum. Notice how we are also using this parameter along with the Verilog repeat operator to zero-extend cin.

You can specify parameters using #() when you instantiate a module. Here is how we would instantiate a parameterized RTL adder as an eight-bit adder and connect its ports to wires.

  logic [7:0] adder_in0;
  logic [7:0] adder_in1;
  logic       adder_cin;
  logic       adder_cout;
  logic [7:0] adder_sum;

    .in0  (adder_in0),
    .in1  (adder_in1),
    .cin  (adder_cin),
    .cout (adder_cout),
    .sum  (adder_sum)

4.3. Parameterized RTL Register

We have provided you the interface for a parameterized eight-bit register in Register_RTL.v.

module Register_RTL
  parameter p_width = 1
  input  logic               clk,
  input  logic               rst,
  input  logic               en,
  input  logic [p_width-1:0] d,
  output logic [p_width-1:0] q

We have provided you a test bench in Register_RTL-test.v. Notice how the test bench instantiates this parameterized register as an eight-bit register.

  Register_RTL#(8) register
    .clk (clk),
    .rst (reset || dut_rst),
    .en  (dut_en),
    .d   (dut_d),
    .q   (dut_q)

You should be able to just copy your tests from your gate-level register and reuse them for your RTL register. You can run the test simulator for the register as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make Register_RTL-test
% ./Register_RTL-test

Activity 5: Implement and Test RTL Register

Use what you have learned in Section 4.1 and 4.2 to create a Verilog hardware design that implements a parameterized register with reset and enable. You should have a single always_ff block with an if/else conditional operation to handle the reset and enable signals. Verify that your register is functionally correct.

5. Simple Counter

We now want to implement the following simple counter.

The counter has a single reset input signal which should reset the counter register to zero. The counter then simply counts up by one every cycle forever. If the counter reaches the maximum value (255) it just rolls over back to zero.

We could definitely implement this simple counter using our 8-bit gate-level adders from lab 2, but let's stick with just using the RTL adder. We will experiment with using both the gate-level and RTL register developed in this discussion section.

We have provided you a test bench with three test cases. Notice how we can use a loop to test roll over:

  task test_case_2_directed_rollover();
    t.test_case_begin( "test_case_2_directed_rollover" );

    for ( int i = 0; i < 275; i = i+1 )
      check( 0, 8'(i) );


You can run the test simulator for the simple counter as follows.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06/build
% make SimpleCounter_RTL-test
% ./SimpleCounter_RTL-test

Activity 6: Implement and Test Simple Counter

Implement a simple counter by instantiating an eight-bit register and the RTL adder. Try using both the gate-level and the RTL register. Verify that both versions are functionally correct.

6. Clean Build

As a final step, do a clean build to verify everything is working correctly.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec06
% trash build
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check