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Section 5: Verilog Combinational RTL Design

In the past discussion sections, we have learned how to model hardware at the gate-level (GL). In this discussion section, you will learn a new approach to modeling hardware using Verilog at the register-transfer level (RTL). By the end of this discussion section, you will have explore both a GL and RTL implementation of an absolute difference unit. RTL modules are usually implemented at a much higher level of abstraction compared to GL models. This improves designer productivity and gives the FPGA tools more flexibility in optimizing the final hardware, but it also means the designer might not fully understand the final hardware and has less control over the details of the final hardware. This is a key trade-off we will need to balance carefully when using RTL modeling. It is also possible to write RTL models that cannot map to any kind of reasonable hardware. It is critical that students always know what is the hardware they are modeling whether they are working at the gate- or register-transfer level.

1. Logging Into ecelinux with VS Code

Follow the same process as previous discussion sections. Find a free workstation and log into the workstation using your NetID and standard NetID password. Then complete the following steps (described in more detail in the last discussion section):

  • Start VS Code
  • Install the Remote-SSH, Verilog, and Surfer extensions
  • Use View > Command Palette to execute Remote-SSH: Connect Current Window to Host...
  • Enter
  • Install the Verilog and Surfer extensions on the server
  • Use View > Explorer to open your home directory on ecelinux
  • Use View > Terminal to open a terminal on ecelinux

There is no need to fork the repo for today's discussion section. Simple clone the repo as follows.

% source
% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300
% git clone sec05
% cd sec05
% tree

The repo includes the following files:

  • Makefile for the build system
  • configure: Configure script for the build system
  • Used to generate the configure script
  • scripts: Scripts used by the build system
  • hw/FullSubtractor_GL.v: One-bit full subtractor at gate level
  • hw/SubtractorRippleCarry_4b_GL.v: Four-bit ripple-carry subtractor at gate level
  • hw/GTComparator_1b_GL.v: One-bit greater-than comparator at gate level
  • hw/GTComparator_4b_GL.v: Four-bit greater-than comparator at gate level
  • hw/Mux2_1b_GL.v: One-bit two-to-one multiplexor at gate level
  • hw/Mux2_4b_GL.v: Four-bit two-to-one multiplexor at gate level
  • hw/AbsDiff_4b_GL.v: Absolute difference unit at gate level
  • hw/Subtractor_4b_RTL.v: Four-bit subtractor at register-transfer level
  • hw/GTComparator_4b_RTL.v: Four-bit greater-than comparator at register-transfer level
  • hw/Mux2_4b_RTL.v: Four-bit two-to-one multiplexor at register-transfer level
  • hw/AbsDiff_4b_RTL.v: Absolute difference unit at register-transfer level
  • test: Directory with unit tests for each hardware module
  • sim/mux-rtl-sim.v: interactive simulator for experimenting with mux RTL modeling

Go ahead and create a build directory and run configure to generate a Makefile.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure

To make it easier to cut-and-paste commands from this handout onto the command line, you can tell Bash to ignore the % character using the following command:

% alias %=""

Now you can cut-and-paste a sequence of commands from this tutorial document and Bash will not get confused by the % character which begins each line.

2. Absolute Difference Unit Interface

We will be implementing an absolute difference unit using both GL and RTL modeling. Both implementations will have similar interfaces. The GL interface is as follows:

module AbsDiff_4b_GL
  (* keep=1 *) input  wire [3:0] in0,
  (* keep=1 *) input  wire [3:0] in1,
  (* keep=1 *) output wire [3:0] diff

The RTL interface as the same ports and bitwidths, except instead of declaring these ports as wire we declare them with logic. In RTL modeling, we will always use logic for both ports and internal signals.

module AbsDiff_4b_RTL
  (* keep=1 *) input  logic [3:0] in0,
  (* keep=1 *) input  logic [3:0] in1,
  (* keep=1 *) output logic [3:0] diff

The absolute difference unit takes as input two four-bit unsigned binary numbers and outputs the corresponding absolute difference on the diff output port.

2. Gate-Level Implementation of Absolute Difference Unit

We have provided you a gate-level implementation of an absolute difference unit in these files:

  • hw/FullSubtractor_GL.v
  • hw/SubtractorRippleCarry_4b_GL.v
  • hw/GTComparator_1b_GL.v
  • hw/GTComparator_4b_GL.v
  • hw/Mux2_1b_GL.v
  • hw/Mux2_4b_GL.v
  • hw/AbsDiff_4b_GL.v

Activity 1: Draw Block Diagram of Gate-Level Absolute Difference Unit

Inspect the above files and draw a detailed block diagram of how all of the blocks are instantiated and connected. Use a top-down approach (i.e., start from the AbsDiff_4b_GL module and work down to the logic gates in the FullSubtractor_GL, GTComparator_1b_GL, and Mux2_1b_GL modules). You must be able to point to the actual AND, OR, NOT, etc gates in your diagram.

3. RTL Implementation of Building Blocks

In this section, we will experiment with RTL implementations of the key building blocks that make-up the absolute difference detector: a four-bit greater-than comparator, a four-bit subtractor, and a four-bit two-to-one multiplexor.

3.1. RTL Implementation of Four-Bit Subtractor

In Verilog GL modeling, we must explicitly instantiate gates. When writing Verilog Boolean equations, we can use the assign statement along with a limited number of operators (i.e., ~, &, |, ^). The most basic form of RTL modeling simply enables designers to use more complex operators in an assign statement. For example, we can implement a greater-than comparator by simply using the - operator.

Open the Subtractor_4b_RTL.v file and implement the subtractor using RTL modeling like this:

  assign {bout,diff} = in0 - in1 - {3'b0,bin};

Notice how this implementation correctly hands both the borrow in and the borrow out. Run all of the provide tests to verify your implementation.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make Subtractor_4b_RTL-test
% ./Subtractor_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

Notice how simple the RTL implementation is compared to the GL implementation. An RTL implementation enables the designer to express the subtractor at a very high level, and then trust that the FPGA tools will be able to choose an appropriate subtractor hardware implementation. Of course the downside is the designer has less control over what specific subtractor hardware implementation is actually used on the FPGA.

In addition to more complex operators in assign statements, RTL modeling also enables designers to use an always_comb block to express operations. For example, the following always_comb block is equivalent to the above assign statement.

  always_comb begin
    {bout,diff} = in0 - in1 - {3'b0,bin};

Any operations that are valid for use with an assign statement are also valid within an always)comb block. In this course, we require students to use always_comb when modeling combinational logic. Never use the always keyword on its own to model combinational logic.

The real power of an always_comb block is that it enables expressing a sequence of operations that are executed sequentially (unlike assign statements which execute in parallel). The following example illustrates modeling a subtractor with a sequence of four operations in an always_comb block.

  logic [4:0] temp;
  always_comb begin
    temp = in0 - in1;
    temp = temp - {3'b0,bin};
    bout = temp[4];
    diff = temp[3:0];

We first subtract in1 from in0 and store the result in a temporary signal. We then subtract the borrow input and store the result back in the temporary signal. Then we can extract the most-significant bit as the borrow output and the remaining bits as the difference.

Open the Subtractor_4b_RTL.v file and change your implementation of the subtractor to use always_comb block. Run all of the provide tests to verify your implementation. Note that you might get notifications from iverilog that "constant selects are not currently supported". It is safe to ignore this notification.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make Subtractor_4b_RTL-test
% ./Subtractor_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

3.2. RTL Implementation of Four-Bit Greater-Than Comparator

An RTL model of the greater-than comparator can use the RTL > operator. Open the GTComporator_4b_RTL.v file and change your implementation of the subtractor to use the > operator in either an assign statement or always_comb block. Run all of the provided tests to verify your implementation.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make GTComparator_4b_RTL-test
% ./GTComparator_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

3.3. RTL Implementation of Four-Bit Two-to-One Multiplexor

An RTL model of a multiplexors can use the ternary operator. Open the Mux2_4b_RTL.v file and implement the subtractor using RTL modeling like this:

  assign out = ( sel ) ? in1 : in0;

If the expression in the parentheses evaluates to one, then we assign in1 to the output. If the expression in the parentheses evaluates to zero, then we assign in0 to the output.

Run all of the provide tests to verify your implementation.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make Mux2_4b_RTL-test
% ./Mux2_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

You can use ternary operators in an always_comb block, but an always_comb block also enables using more traditional if/else conditional operations.

Open the Mux2_4b_RTL.v file and implement the subtractor using RTL modeling like this:

  always_comb begin
    if ( sel == 0 )
      out = in0;
      out = in1;

Run all of the provide tests to verify your implementation.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make Mux2_4b_RTL-test
% ./Mux2_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

3.3. Subtle Issues with Using If/Else in RTL Modeling

There are two critically important yet subtle issues that arise when using if/else conditional operations in always_comb blocks. We have provided you a simple interactive simulator that will enable us to explore these two issues. You can build and run the interactive simulator like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make mux-rtl-sim
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=0101 +in1=1111 +sel=0
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=0101 +in1=1111 +sel=1

Let's assume we accidentally forget to include the else clause in our always_comb block. Go ahead and update your implementation to look like this:

  always_comb begin
    if ( sel == 0 )
      out = in0;

Then rebuild the interactive simulator.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make mux-rtl-sim

verilator will complain that in1 is not used, but more importantly notice how verilator is warning about an inferred latch. The above RTL mode actually does not model combinational logic. It models sequential logic. The signal out is no longer a function of just the inputs sel and in0. If sel is first zero and is then changed to one, the hardware must remember what was the previous value of out so that it stays the same even if in0 changes. Inferred latches can cause all kinds of subtle bugs which is why we are using an always_comb block so verilator can detect inferred latches. To avoid inferred latches ensure that any signal written in an always_comb block is always written no matter what path we take through if/else conditional operators.

Go ahead and update your implementation as it was before:

  always_comb begin
    if ( sel == 0 )
      out = in0;
      out = in1;

Now let's experiment with what happens when one of our inputs is undefined (i.e., is modeled using an X in Verilog). Try these inputs.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make mux-rtl-sim
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=xxxx +in1=1111 +sel=0
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=xxxx +in1=1111 +sel=1
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=0101 +in1=xxxx +sel=0
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=0101 +in1=xxxx +sel=1
% ./mux-rtl-sim +in0=0101 +in1=1111 +sel=x

Are the results as expected? Prof. Batten will talk more about X propagation and how to ensure X values are correctly propagated through your RTL models.

4. RTL Implementation of Absolute Difference Unit

Now that we have RTL models of our building blocks, we can create an RTL model for the entire absolute difference unit.

Let's start with a structural RTL model. Open AbsDiff_4b_GL.v and copy the structural implementation into AbsDiff_4b_RTL.v. Change the building blocks to all be the RTL implementation. Then rerun all the tests to verify that your structural RTL modeling is functionally correct.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make AbsDiff_4b_RTL-test
% ./AbsDiff_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

Notice how structural RTL modeling like this provides a nice balance between productive modeling and control over the hardware implementation. We can let the FPGA tools optimize each building block individually, but we still get explicit control over how these building blocks are composed.

We can also use a flat RTL model which does not instantiate any building blocks at all, but instead simply uses a single always_comb block to model the entire absolute difference unit. Open AbsDiff_4b_RTL.v and change the RTL implementation to be as follows:

  always_comb begin
    if ( in0 > in1 )
      diff = in0 - in1;
      diff = in1 - in0;

Then rerun all the tests to verify that your structural RTL modeling is functionally correct.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05/build
% make AbsDiff_4b_RTL-test
% ./AbsDiff_4b_RTL-test +test-case=-1

Notice how flat RTL modeling enables the designer to express their intent at a very high level, but the designer now has very little control over the final hardware implementation. Not only will the FPGA tools optimize the building blocks, but hopefully the FPGA tools will realize an implementation only needs a single subtractor. When using flat RTL modeling we have lost much of the intuition about the hardware implementation that was so explicit in our GL modeling and still somewhat present in our structural RTL modeling. Students will need to carefully navigate the tension between productivity and control when developing gate-level models, boolean equation models, structural RTL models, and flat RTL models.

5. Clean Build

As a final step, do a clean build to verify everything is working correctly.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/sec05
% trash build
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check