Lab 4 (Parts E & F): TinyRV1 Processor - FPGA Analysis/Prototype and Report
Lab 4 will give you experience designing, implementing, testing, and prototyping a single-cycle processor microarchitecture and a specialized accelerator. The processor will implement the TinyRV1 instruction set. The instruction set manual is located here:
The lab reinforces several lecture topics including instruction set architectures, single-cycle processors, and finite-state machines. The lab will continue to provide opportunities to leverage the three key abstraction principles: modularity, hierarchy, and regularity.
You should have already worked in simulation to verify all processor components, your single-processor, and your accumulate accelerator in Lab 4A, 4B, and 4C. You should also have already finished your initial single-cycle FPGA prototype in Lab 4D. In Lab 4E, we will first implement a two-function calculator assembly program before extending this program to support subtraction. We will then implement an accumulate assembly program and quantify the area and performance of this kernel running on your single-cycle processor. Finally, we will quantitatively compare the area and performance of this software implementation to a specialized accumulate accelerator.
This handout assumes that you have read and understand the course tutorials, discussion sections, and successfully completed Labs 1-3. Here are the steps to get started:
- Step 1. Find your lab partner
- Step 2. Find a free workstation
- Step 3. Ask the TAs for a lab check-off sheet (each student needs their own check-off sheet)
Throughout this handout you will see two kinds tasks: lab check-off tasks and lab report tasks.
For each lab report task you must take some notes, save a screenshot, and/or record some data for your lab report. Students can start working on their lab report during their lab session, but will likely need to continue working on their lab report after the lab session. The lab report is due on Monday, Dec 9th at 11:59pm for all groups regardless of your lab session.
For each lab check-off task you must raise your hand and have a TA come to check-off your work. The TA will ask you the questions included as part of the lab check-off task and the assess your understanding using the following rubric: mastery; accomplished; emerging; beginning. If the TA and students together feel the students have not mastered the lab check-off task, the students are encouraged to take a few minutes and try again.
Lab Check-Off Task 1: Setup FPGA Board
Request an FPGA board from the TAs. The TAs will record the board number on your check-off sheet. Use the power cord to plug the FPGA board into an outlet, and use the USB cable to plug the FPGA board into the workstation.
1. Verifying Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor and Accumulate Accelerator
Before starting to work on an FPGA prototype, you must make sure you have
a working Verilog hardware design that has been thoroughly tested in
simulation. One student should start VS Code on the workstation, log into
the ecelinux
servers, source the setup script, and make sure their
group repository is up to date.
Where XX
is your group number. Now run all of the tests from a clean
build to ensure your design is fully functional.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc
% trash build
% mkdir build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check
% source ../scripts/
We now need to get the files for your design from ecelinux
onto the
workstation. This requires multiple steps.
Step 1. Click Microsoft Edge on the desktop to open a web-browser on the workstation to log into GitHub and then find your repository
Step 2. Start PowerShell by clicking the Start menu then searching for Windows PowerShell
Step 3. Clone your repo onto the workstation by using this command in PowerShell (where
is your Cornell NetID, notice we are using https!):
Step 4. In the Connect to GitHub pop-up, click Sign in with your browser
Step 5. You may be asked for your GitHub username again and you may be asked to authorize the Git Credential Manager; click authorize git-ecosystem
Step 6. Verify that you have successfully cloned your repo by changing into your repo and using
on the workstation:
Lab Check-Off Task 2: Verify Tests
Show a TA that your hardware designs are passing all of your tests. Show the TA running a single test case for your accumulate accelerator like this:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make AccumXcel-test
% ./AccumXcel-test +test-case=5 +dump-vcd=waves.vcd
% code waves.vcd
The final result should be 36. The TA will first ask the students to
explain why the correct answer is 36. The students need to display
the clk
, rst
, go
, size
, result_val
, and result
ports as
well as the internal state register for the accumulate accelerator
FSM in the waveforms. The TA will ask the students to show where in
the waveforms the accelerator is producing the value 36. The TA will
then ask the students to explain how many cycles it takes to
calculate this result and to justify why it takes this many cycles
using the waveform.
2. Setup Quartus Project
Click Quartus (Quartus Prime 19.1) on the desktop to start Quartus, and click Run the Quartus Prime software. You might need to try starting Quartus twice. Setup a new Quartus project using the New Project Wizard:
- Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity
- Working directory:
- Name of this project:
- Name of top-level design entity:
- Click Next
- Working directory:
- Directory does not exist. Do you want to create it?
- Click yes
- Project Type
- Choose Empty Project
- Click Next
- Add Files
- Click triple dots to right of File name
- Click on This PC, then navigate to your cloned repo by choosing Windows (C:) > Users > netid > netid where netid is your Cornell NetID
- Shift-click on every Verilog hardware design file (do not include any test files)
- Click Open
- Click Next
- Family, Device, and Board Settings
- Click Board tab
- Family: Cyclone V
- Select DE0-CV Development Board
- Make sure Create top-level design file is checked
- Click Next
- EDA Tool Settings
- Click Next
- Summary
- Click Finish
Since we are now using RTL modeling, there is one new step, similar to Labs 2 and 3. You must choose Assignments > Settings from the menu. Then select the category Compiler Settings > Verilog HDL Input and under Verilog version click SystemVerilog. Then click OK.
3. Three-Function Calculator TinyRV1 Program
In this part, we will implement a TinyRV1 assembly program that has the same behavior as the two-function calculator we implemented in Lab 2, and then we will extend the calculator to support subtraction.
3.1. Simulate Simple TinyRV1 Program
We will be using the same simulators we used in the Lab 4D to emulate what will happen when your processor is configured on the FPGA. Recall that these simulators and the actual FPGA will use the following connections:
is connected to first five switchesin1[4:0]
is connected to second five switchesin2[3:0]
is connected to the four push-buttonsout0[4:0]
is connected to the two seven-segment displaysout1[4:0]
is connected to the two seven-segment displaysout2[4:0]
is connected to the two seven-segment displays
Recall that we provided you a very simple TinyRV1 program in the
file. Take a look at this file on ecelinux
VS Code.
task proc_sim_prog1();
asm( 'h000, "addi x1, x0, 2" );
asm( 'h004, "addi x2, x1, 2" );
asm( 'h008, "csrw out0, x2" );
asm( 'h00c, "jal x0, 0x00c" );
Go ahead and run this program on the FL processor simulator on ecelinux
like this:
Confirm that the behavior is as expected. Now run the program on the single-cycle processor simulator like this:
3.2. Implement Two-Function Calculator TinyRV1 Program
We want our two-function calculator TinyRV1 program to exactly emulate the behavior of the specialized two-function calculator we implemented in Lab 2. The two-function calculator should take two inputs: a five-bit value specified with the first five switches and a five-bit value specified with the second five switches. The calculator should then display these two input values on the seven-segment displays. The calculator should perform addition if the push button is not pressed and should perform multiplication if the push button is pressed. The calculator should output the result on the final seven-segment displays. The pseudo-code for our two-function calculator is shown below.
while True:
# read switches and buttons
in0 = read_in0()
in1 = read_in1()
buttons = read_in2()
# display inputs
# addition
if buttons == 0b0000:
result = in0 + in1
# multiply
result = in0 * in1
# display result
write_out2( result )
Implement the two-function calculator in assembly in the
file. We recommend taking an incremental design
approach. Start by implementing a calculator that only performs
addition. Once this is working, think critically about how to implement
an if/else conditional operator in assembly and then add support for
multiplication. Note how the calculator is in an infinite loop. This way
your calculator will continuously read the inputs and write the outputs.
You can implement this with a final JAL instruction which jumps back to
the first instruction in the assembly program.
In general, we suggest writing out all of the assembly instructions but
leave the actual instruction address values until the end. Use ???
place holders for the branch and jump target addresses. Once you have all
of the assembly instructions finished, then go through and update the
address for each assembly instruction. The final step would be to go back
and update the branch and jump target addresses.
Always simulate your assembly program on the FL processor simulator first as follows:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
You can single-step through each assembly instruction one at a time
using the +step
command line option. Press enter to execute the next
instruction, enter r
and then press enter to finish the program, and
enter q
and then press enter to quit.
Once you know your assembly program is working on the FL processor simulator, then try it on the single-cycle processor simulator like this.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
Ideally, an effective testing strategy will ensure that your single-cycle
processor is fully correct by the time we start using these interactive
simulators. However, if the behavior is not as expected then you will
have no choice but to try and debug what has gone wrong. You will need to
use waveforms to carefully examine each cycle. You can dump waveforms
using the +dump-vcd=waves.vcd
command line option. You should probably
use what you learn to add more directed tests cases.
Lab Check-Off Task 3: Simulate Two-Function Calculator Program
Show a TA your two-function calculator program running on (1) the FL processor simulator; and (2) the single-cycle processor simulator. The TA will ask you to try some different input data. Here are the steps you need to show the TA.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
3.3. Implement Three-Function Calculator TinyRV1 Program
The two-function calculator program running on the single-cycle TinyRV1 processor requires significantly more area and has a much longer execution time compared to the specialized two-function calculator implemented in Lab 2. The real power of a general-purpose processor is the ability to easily program new capabilities without adding any hardware. Modify your two-function calculator program to add support for subtraction. If the user does not press any push buttons the calculator should perform addition. If the user presses the first push button the calculator should perform multiplication. If the user presses the second push button the calculator should perform subtraction. Note that the TinyRV1 instruction set does not include a subtract instruction, so you will need to implement subtraction using just the available arithmetic instructions. Make sure your program works on the FL processor simulator and then verify it works on the single-cycle processor simulator.
We also need to take an extra step to choose this program to actually run
on the processor once it has been configured to the FPGA. The program
which will run on the processor once it has been configured to the FPGA
is located in the hw/ProcMem.v
module. Go ahead and take a look at this
file on ecelinux
using VS Code. You will see a region of the module
that looks like this although it might look different based on your work
in Lab 4D.
if ( rst ) begin
mem[ 0] <= 32'h00200093; // 00000000 addi x1, x0, 2
mem[ 1] <= 32'h00208113; // 00000004 addi x2, x1, 2
mem[ 2] <= 32'h7c211073; // 00000008 csrw out0, x2
mem[ 3] <= 32'h0000006f; // 0000000c jal x0, 0x00c
This is where we ensure the memory has the desired program when the FPGA
is reset. Writing this by hand would be tedious, so our simulators
provide the +dump-bin
command line option which will dump out what you
need to copy into hw/ProcMem.v
. For example,
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +dump-bin
So once you have verified one of your assembly programs works, use
and then copy-and-paste the resulting lines into
. You can use program number 0 to verify that the program
currently stored in hw/ProcMem.v
works as expected:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
Lab Report Task 1: Three-Function Calculator Assembly Program
Save your three-function calculator assembly program so you can include it in your lab report. All assembly code should be formatted using a fixed-width font.
Lab Check-Off Task 4: Simulate Three-Function Calculator Program
Show a TA your thre-function calculator program running on (1) the FL
processor simulator; (2) the single-cycle processor simulator; and
(3) the single-cycle processor simulator with the ProcMem
. Here are
the steps you need to show the TA.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0010
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=2 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0010
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0010
3.4. Synthesize, Analyze, and Configure Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor
Now that we know our single-cycle processor can successfully execute the three-function calculator assembly program in simulation, we want to see if we can verify the same program running on the processor FPGA prototype. As in previous labs, the New Project Wizard creates a top-level Verilog module for us which has ports for all of the switches, LEDs, seven-segment displays, and pins on the FPGA development board. Here is the code you can use for your top-level design.
logic clk;
ClockDiv_RTL clock_div
.clk_in (CLOCK_50),
.clk_out (clk)
logic rst0;
logic rst;
always @(posedge clk) begin
rst0 <= ~RESET_N;
rst <= rst0;
logic imemreq_val;
logic [31:0] imemreq_addr;
logic [31:0] imemresp_data;
logic dmemreq_val;
logic dmemreq_type;
logic [31:0] dmemreq_addr;
logic [31:0] dmemreq_wdata;
logic [31:0] dmemresp_rdata;
logic [31:0] proc_out0;
logic [31:0] proc_out1;
logic [31:0] proc_out2;
logic proc_trace_val_unused;
logic [31:0] proc_trace_addr_unused;
logic [31:0] proc_trace_data_unused;
ProcScycle proc
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.imemreq_val (imemreq_val),
.imemreq_addr (imemreq_addr),
.imemresp_data (imemresp_data),
.dmemreq_val (dmemreq_val),
.dmemreq_type (dmemreq_type),
.dmemreq_addr (dmemreq_addr),
.dmemreq_wdata (dmemreq_wdata),
.dmemresp_rdata (dmemresp_rdata),
.in0 ({27'b0,SW[9:5]}),
.in1 ({27'b0,SW[4:0]}),
.in2 ({31'b0,~KEY[3:0]}),
.out0 (proc_out0),
.out1 (proc_out1),
.out2 (proc_out2),
.trace_val (proc_trace_val_unused),
.trace_addr (proc_trace_addr_unused),
.trace_data (proc_trace_data_unused)
ProcMem mem
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.imemreq_val (imemreq_val),
.imemreq_addr (imemreq_addr),
.imemresp_data (imemresp_data),
.dmemreq_val (dmemreq_val),
.dmemreq_type (dmemreq_type),
.dmemreq_addr (dmemreq_addr),
.dmemreq_wdata (dmemreq_wdata),
.dmemresp_rdata (dmemresp_rdata)
// Out Displays
Display_GL proc_out0_display
.in (proc_out0[4:0]),
.seg_tens (HEX5),
.seg_ones (HEX4)
Display_GL proc_out1_display
.in (proc_out1[4:0]),
.seg_tens (HEX3),
.seg_ones (HEX2)
Display_GL proc_out2_display
.in (proc_out2[4:0]),
.seg_tens (HEX1),
.seg_ones (HEX0)
Spend a few minutes making sure you understand this top-level composition. Our timing analysis in Lab 4D showed that the single-cycle processor cannot meet timing with a 50MHz clock (i.e., clock constraint of 20ns). So we are using a clock divider which divides the 50MHz clock by four to produce a 12.5MHz clock (i.e., clock constraint of 80ns). We are now using a reset synchronizer which should help address some of the flakiness that students were seeing Lab 4D. Prof. Batten will talk more about reset synchronizers in lecture, but you can also read about synchronizers in Sections 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 of Harris and Harris.
Once you are happy with your understanding, you just need to copy this code into the DE0_CV_golden_top.v. As in previous labs, we need to create a timing constraint file. Here are the steps to create an initial timing constraint file:
- Choose File > New from the menu
- Click Synopsys Design Constraints File
- Click OK
- Enter the constraints shown below
- Click File > Save from the menu
- Name the file timing.sdc
- Save the file in the lab4 directory
We will use the following initial constraints:
set_max_delay -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs] 20
set_min_delay -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs] 0
create_clock -period 20 [get_ports {CLOCK_50}]
create_clock -name clk -period 80 [get_nets {ClockDiv_RTL:clock_div|count[1]}]
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock clk -max 0 [all_outputs]
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock clk -min 0 [all_outputs]
set_input_delay -add_delay -clock clk -max 0 [all_inputs]
set_input_delay -add_delay -clock clk -min 0 [all_inputs]
These constraints tell the FPGA tools that:
- Our critical path delay constraint is
from all inputs to all outputs - We have a clock signal named
- There should be no setup time violations with respect to
when the period is80ns
- There should be no hold time violations with respect to
- There should be no setup time violations with respect to
- The output ports have a setup time of 0 (max constraint) and a hold time of 0 (min constraint)
- The input ports have clock-to-port propagation delay of 0 (max constraint) and a clock-to-port contamination delay of 0 (min constraint)
Make sure to copy-and-paste the three-function calculator program into
within Quartus. Choose Processing > Start Compilation
from the menu to synthesize your design. You will need to wait 5-10
minutes for synthesis to complete. Be patient! Students should continue
on and start developing their accumulate program on ecelinux
waiting for synthesis to complete.
Once synthesis is done, double check that your design does not have any inferred latches! The compilation will emit warnings not errors regarding inferred latches, but you must remove all inferred latches. These warnings are confusingly in green text. Check out this Ed post for some more information on how to fix common issues, including inferred latches, we saw in Lab 4D.
Now we can configure the FPGA:
- Choose Tools > Programmer from the menu
- Click Hardware Setup
- Currently selected hardware: USB-Blaster [USB-0]
- Click Close
- Click Start
You probably need to press the reset buttons on the FPGA board to start the execution of the assembly program. Confirm that the seven-segment displays show the exact same output as the simulation.
Lab Check-Off Task 5: Demonstrate TinyRV1 Processor Running Three-Function Calculator Program
First, show the TA the same simulation you did earlier on ecelinux
like this:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00011 +in1-switches=00010 +buttons=0000
Then press the reset buttons the FPGA board to show the TA that your FPGA prototype produces the expected output. The TA will ask you to perform different functions on different input data and to compare the output between your simulator and the FPGA prototype. Qualitatively discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your software calculator running on the single-cycle processor compared to the specialized hardware calculator you implemented in Lab 2.
4. Accumulate TinyRV1 Program
In this part, we will implement a TinyRV1 assembly program that accumulates values stored in an array.
4.1. Implement Accumulate TinyRV1 Program
Our program should wait for a buttons press and then read the number of elements to accumulate from the first five switches. The program should output the size to the seven-segment displays and output the bottom five bits of the final result to the seven-segment displays. The pseudo-code for our accumulate program is shown below.
# set out1 to zero
# wait for go
size = read_in0()
buttons = read_in2()
if buttons != 1:
goto wait
# display size
# calc
sum = 0
for i in range(size):
sum = sum + a[i]
# done
while True:
Implement the accumulate program in assembly in the
file. Use the following template which takes care
of the wait loop, writing the result, and initializing the input data as
an array starting at address 0x080 with 32 elements. The comment next to
each element in the array specifies the value of the bottom five bits of
the result (i.e., what the seven-segment display should show for a
correct execution).
task proc_sim_prog3();
// set out1 to zero
asm( 'h000, "csrw out1, x0" );
// wait for go
asm( 'h004, "csrr x1, in0" );
asm( 'h008, "csrr x2, in2" );
asm( 'h00c, "addi x3, x0, 1" );
asm( 'h010, "bne x2, x3, 0x004" );
// display size
asm( 'h014, "csrw out0, x1" );
// fill in the accumulate loop here
// done (assumes result is in x4)
asm( ?????, "csrw out1, x4" ); // set address appropriately
asm( ?????, "jal x0, ?????" ); // set address appropriately
// Input array
// size result seven_seg
data( 'h080, 36 ); // 1 36 4
data( 'h084, 26 ); // 2 62 30
data( 'h088, 69 ); // 3 131 3
data( 'h08c, 57 ); // 4 188 28
data( 'h090, 11 ); // 5 199 7
data( 'h094, 68 ); // 6 267 11
data( 'h098, 41 ); // 7 308 20
data( 'h09c, 90 ); // 8 398 14
data( 'h0a0, 32 ); // 9 430 14
data( 'h0a4, 76 ); // 10 506 26
data( 'h0a8, 44 ); // 11 550 6
data( 'h0ac, 19 ); // 12 569 25
data( 'h0b0, 17 ); // 13 586 10
data( 'h0b4, 59 ); // 14 645 5
data( 'h0b8, 99 ); // 15 744 8
data( 'h0bc, 49 ); // 16 793 25
data( 'h0c0, 65 ); // 17 858 26
data( 'h0c4, 12 ); // 18 870 6
data( 'h0c8, 55 ); // 19 925 29
data( 'h0cc, 0 ); // 20 925 29
data( 'h0d0, 51 ); // 21 976 16
data( 'h0d4, 42 ); // 22 1018 26
data( 'h0d8, 82 ); // 23 1100 12
data( 'h0dc, 23 ); // 24 1123 3
data( 'h0e0, 21 ); // 25 1144 24
data( 'h0e4, 54 ); // 26 1198 14
data( 'h0e8, 83 ); // 27 1281 1
data( 'h0ec, 31 ); // 28 1312 0
data( 'h0f0, 16 ); // 29 1328 16
data( 'h0f4, 76 ); // 30 1404 28
data( 'h0f8, 21 ); // 31 1425 17
data( 'h0fc, 4 ); // 32 1429 21
We recommend taking an incremental design approach. Start by ignoring the
wait loop. Simply write a loop to accumulate the first four elements in
the array, output the result to the seven-segment displays, and end with
an infinite loop. Use the +step
command line option to ensure the
processor is executing the instructions as you expect. Once this is
working, add support for the initial wait loop. Use the +buttons=00000
and +step
command line option to ensure the processor is executing the
instructions as you expect when it is waiting for a button to be pushed.
In general, we suggest writing out all of the assembly instructions but
leave the actual instruction address values until the end. Use ???
place holders for the branch and jump target addresses. Once you have all
of the assembly instructions finished, then go through and update the
address for each assembly instruction. The final step would be to go back
and update the branch and jump target addresses.
Always simulate your assembly program on the FL processor simulator first as follows:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
From the comment above, the result when accumulating the first four elements should be 188 and the seven-segment display should shown 28. Once you know your assembly program is working on the FL processor simulator, then try it on the single-cycle processor simulator like this.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
Once you have verified your assembly program works, use +dump-bin
then copy-and-paste the resulting lines into hw/ProcMem.v
. You can use
program number 0 to verify that the program currently stored in
works as expected:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
Let's run a full experiment to accumulate 31 elements.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=11111 +buttons=0001
The correct result is 1425 and the seven-segment display should show 17.
The simulator will print out the cycle_count
. This is the number of
cycles it takes to execute the accumulate program. You will be working to
fill in this data table:
Make a copy of this table, and enter in the cycle count for your single-cycle processor into the fpga-perf-data tab. The cycle count starts from the beginning of the program and stops once out1 is no longer zero.
Lab Report Task 2: Accumulate Assembly Program and Cycle Count
Save your accumulate assembly program so you can include it in your lab report. All assembly code should be formatted using a fixed-width font. Make sure to save your completed data table with the cycle count number for accumulating 31 elements.
Lab Check-Off Task 6: Simulate Accumulate Program
Show a TA your accumulate program running on (1) the FL processor
simulator; (2) the single-cycle processor simulator; and (3) the
single-cycle processor simulator with the ProcMem
. The TA will ask
you why the cycle count is reasonable if the given size if 4. The TA
will ask you to try a different size. Here are the steps you need to
show the TA.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-fl-sim
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-fl-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=3 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
4.2. Synthesize and Analyze Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor
Now that we know our single-cycle processor can successfully execute the
accumulate assembly program in simulation, we want to see if we can
verify the same program running on the processor FPGA prototype.
Copy-and-paste the accumulate program into hw/ProcMem.v
within Quartus.
Choose Processing > Start Compilation from the menu to synthesize your
design. You will need to wait 5-10 minutes for synthesis to complete. Be
patient! Students should continue on and start experimenting with the
accumulate accelerator interactive simulator on ecelinux
while waiting
for synthesis to complete.
- RTL Viewer
- Choose Tools > Netlist Viewer > RTL Viewer from the menu
- Use the Netlist Navigator to gradually drill down in the hierarchy as follows:
- ProcScycle
- ProcScycleDpath
- Adder_32b_GL
- AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL
- AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL
- FullAdder_GL
- Appreciate how far we have come this semester!
- Choose File > Close from menu to close the RTL viewer
- Chip Planner
- Choose Tools > Chip Planner from the menu
- Identify where the logic used to implement your design is located in the FPGA
- Choose File > Close from the menu to close the chip planner
The next step is to analyze the area of your design.
- Choose Processing -> Compilation Report from the menu
- Under Table of Contents choose Fitter > Resource Section > Resource Usage Summary
- Look through the report to determine the number of combinational ALUTs (configurable look-up tables) that are used for your design
- Look through the report to determine the number of dedicated logic registers that are used for your design
Add the area data to the data table. You can find the number of 7-input ALUTs, 6-input ALUTs, etc in the area report. You can find the dedicated logic registers also in the area report.
The final step is to analyze the timing (i.e., the critical path delay) of your design. We will analyze timing for the Slow 1100mV 85C Model which is the default choice in the Timing Analyzer.
- Choose Tools > Timing Analyzer from the menu
- Double-click Update Timing Netlist
- Choose Reports > Custom Reports > Report Timing from the menu
- Report Timing
- Clocks - From clock: clk
- Clocks - To clock: clk
- Targets - From: [get_registers *]
- Targets - To: [get_registers *]
- Report number of paths: 1
- Check next to File name and enter proc-critical-path.txt
- Click Report Timing
- Identify the "slack" and the "data delay" of the displayed path
- Look at the actual critical path (i.e., Data Arrival Path) which shows the longest path from one register to another register
- Choose File > Close from the menu to close the timing analyzer
Lab Report Task 3: Collect Data for Single-Cycle Processor
Save your completed data table with your analysis of your single-cycle processor and include it in your lab report. Take a screenshot of the entire RTL viewer window; it must clearly show the Netlist Navigator with the full hierarchy from the top to the full adder on the left and the gate-level implementation of the full adder on the right. Save a screenshot of the chip planner clearly showing where the logic used to implement your design is located on the FPGA. Save the critical path report and use it to highlight the critical path on the processor datapath diagram; annotate the delays of the various components along the critical path. Remember, if you select multiple cells in the Incr column of the timing report and hover your mouse it will display a pop-up showing the sum of the delays along that portion of the path.
Lab Check-Off Task 7: Discuss Single-Cycle Processor
Show a TA your completed data table with the area and performance results. Show a TA the screenshot of the full adder and explain how the full adder fits into the complete single-cycle processor. Show a TA the single-cycle processor datapath with the highlighted critical path and annotated delays. Is the critical path as expected?
4.4. Configure Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor Prototype
Now we can configure the FPGA:
- Choose Tools > Programmer from the menu
- Click Hardware Setup
- Currently selected hardware: USB-Blaster [USB-0]
- Click Close
- Click Start
You probably need to press the reset button on the FPGA board to start the execution of the assembly program. Confirm that the seven-segment displays show the exact same output as the simulation. Don't forget to actually press the push button to start the kernel!
Lab Check-Off Task 8: Demonstrate TinyRV1 Processor Running Accumulate Program
First, show the TA the same simulation you did earlier on ecelinux
like this:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make proc-scycle-sim
% ./proc-scycle-sim +prog-num=0 +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
Then press the reset button the FPGA board to show the TA that your FPGA prototype produces the expected output. The TA will ask you to try a different size and to compare the output between your simulator and the FPGA prototype.
5. Accumulate Accelerator
In this part, we will simulate, synthesize, analyze, and configure your accumulate accelerator. The accelerator is specialized so it should have lower area and higher performance compared to the general-purpose processor; but of course since it is specialized it can only do one thing!
5.1. Simulate Accumulate Accelerator
We provide you an interactive accumulate accelerator simulator which emulates the eventual FPGA prototype. You can run the interactive simulator as follows:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make accum-xcel-sim
% ./accum-xcel-sim +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0000
% ./accum-xcel-sim +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
The accumulate accelerator is setup to use the exact same data as the accumulate assembly program so it should display the same values for a given size. As with the accumulate assembly program, the result when accumulating the first four elements should be 188 and the seven-segment display should shown 28.
Let's run a full experiment to accumulate 31 elements.
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make accum-xcel-sim
% ./accum-xcel-sim +in0-switches=11111 +buttons=0001
The correct result is 1425 and the seven-segment display should show 17.
The simulator will print out the cycle_count
. This is the number of
cycles it takes for the accumulate accelerator to finish. Add this cycle
count to the data table.
Lab Report Task 4: Accumulate Accelerator and Cycle Count
Make sure to save your completed data table with the cycle count number for accumulating 31 elements. You will also need to include a datapath diagram and a FSM diagram of your accumulate accelerator in your lab report.
Lab Check-Off Task 9: Simulate Accumulate Accelerator
Start by showing a TA the datapath and FSM diagram for your accumulate accelerator. Clearly explain how your accumulate accelerator works by describing the interaction between the datapath and control unit. Then show a TA your accumulate accelerator working in simulation. The TA will ask you why the cycle count is reasonable if the given size is 4. Here are the steps you need to show the TA.
5.2. Synthesize and Analyze Accumulator Accelerator
Now that we know our accumulate accelerator is fully functional, we can synthesize and analyze the accumulate accelerator using the FPGA tools. Here is the code you can use for your top-level design.
// replace this with the clock divider if you do not meet timing
logic clk;
assign clk = CLOCK_50;
logic rst0;
logic rst;
always @(posedge clk) begin
rst0 <= ~RESET_N;
rst <= rst0;
logic xcel_go;
logic [13:0] xcel_size;
logic xcel_result_val;
logic [31:0] xcel_result;
logic memreq_val;
logic [15:0] memreq_addr;
logic [31:0] memresp_data;
assign xcel_go = ~KEY[0];
assign xcel_size = SW[9:5];
AccumXcel xcel
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.go (xcel_go),
.size (xcel_size),
.result_val (xcel_result_val),
.result (xcel_result),
.memreq_val (memreq_val),
.memreq_addr (memreq_addr),
.memresp_data (memresp_data)
AccumXcelMem mem
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.memreq_val (memreq_val),
.memreq_addr (memreq_addr),
.memresp_data (memresp_data)
// Size Display
Display_GL xcel_size_display
.in (xcel_size[4:0]),
.seg_tens (HEX5),
.seg_ones (HEX4)
// Result Display
Display_GL xcel_result_display
.in (xcel_result[4:0]),
.seg_tens (HEX3),
.seg_ones (HEX2)
assign LEDR[0] = xcel_result_val;
Spend a few minutes making sure you understand this top-level
composition. Notice we are not using a clock divider since we should be
able to meet timing using a 50MHz clock. We are again using a reset
synchronizer which should help address some of the flakiness that
students were seeing Lab 4D. We have connected the xcel_result_val
signal to one of the LEDs.
Once you are happy with your understanding, you just need to copy this code into the DE0_CV_golden_top.v. We also need to update our constraints to be as follows:
set_max_delay -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs] 20
set_min_delay -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs] 0
create_clock -name clk -period 20 [get_ports {CLOCK_50}]
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock clk -max 0 [all_outputs]
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock clk -min 0 [all_outputs]
set_input_delay -add_delay -clock clk -max 0 [all_inputs]
set_input_delay -add_delay -clock clk -min 0 [all_inputs]
This is similar to the processor except without the clock divider. Choose Processing > Start Compilation from the menu to synthesize your design. You will need to wait 2-3 minutes for synthesis to complete. Be patient!
If your design does not meet timing then you have two options: (1) you can change your design to try and reduce the critical path; or (2) you can increase the clock constraint (i.e., your accelerator will run at a lower clock frequency). For this lab let's go with option (2). You can instantiate a clock divider at the top-level just like you did for the processor earlier in the lab. The clock divider will increase the clock constraint to 80ns (i.e., the target clock frequency will be 12.5MHz instead of 50MHz). After instantiating the clock divider make sure you also change the timing constraints to be the same as what you used with the processor. Then try synthesizing your design again.
Once synthesis is done, double check that your design does not have any inferred latches! The compilation will emit warnings not errors regarding inferred latches, but you must remove all inferred latches. These warnings are confusingly in green text. Check out this Ed post for some more information on how to fix common issues, including inferred latches, we saw in Lab 4D.
The next step is to analyze the area of your design.
- Choose Processing -> Compilation Report from the menu
- Under Table of Contents choose Fitter > Resource Section > Resource Usage Summary
- Look through the report to determine the number of combinational ALUTs (configurable look-up tables) that are used for your design
- Look through the report to determine the number of dedicated logic registers that are used for your design
Add the area data to the data table. You can find the number of 7-input ALUTs, 6-input ALUTs, etc in the area report. You can find the dedicated logic registers also in the area report.
The final step is to analyze the timing (i.e., the critical path delay) of your design. We will analyze timing for the Slow 1100mV 85C Model which is the default choice in the Timing Analyzer.
- Choose Tools > Timing Analyzer from the menu
- Double-click Update Timing Netlist
- Choose Reports > Custom Reports > Report Timing from the menu
- Report Timing
- Clocks - From clock: clk
- Clocks - To clock: clk
- Targets - From: [get_registers *]
- Targets - To: [get_registers *]
- Report number of paths: 1
- Check next to File name and enter xcel-critical-path.txt
- Click Report Timing
- Identify the "slack" and the "data delay" of the displayed path
- Look at the actual critical path (i.e., Data Arrival Path) which shows the longest path from one register to another register
- Choose File > Close from the menu to close the timing analyzer
Lab Report Task 5: Collect Data for Accumulate Accelerator
Save your completed data table with your analysis of your single-cycle processor and include it in your lab report. Save the critical path report and use it to highlight the critical path on the accumulate accelerator datapath diagram; annotate the delays of the various components along the critical path. Remember, if you select multiple cells in the Incr column of the timing report and hover your mouse it will display a pop-up showing the sum of the delays along that portion of the path.
Lab Check-Off Task 10: Discuss Accumulate Accelerator
Show a TA your completed data table with the area and performance results. Show a TA your accumulate accelerator datapath with the highlighted critical path and annotated delays. Is the critical path as expected? Discuss the trade-off between more general-purpose hardware (e.g., our TinyRV1 processor) and more specialized hardware (e.g., our accumulate accelerator).
5.3. Configure Accumulator Accelerator Prototype
Now we can configure the FPGA:
- Choose Tools > Programmer from the menu
- Click Hardware Setup
- Currently selected hardware: USB-Blaster [USB-0]
- Click Close
- Click Start
You might need to press the reset button on the FPGA board. Confirm that the seven-segment displays show the exact same output as the simulation. Don't forget to actually press the push button to start the accelerator!
Lab Check-Off Task 11: Demonstrate Accumulate Accelerator
First, show the TA the same simulation you did earlier on ecelinux
like this:
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab4-proc/build
% make accum-xcel-sim
% ./accum-xcel-sim +in0-switches=00100 +buttons=0001
Then press the reset button the FPGA board to show the TA that your FPGA prototype produces the expected output. The TA will ask you to try a different size and to compare the output between your simulator and the FPGA prototype.
Lab Check-Off Task 12: Turn In FPGA Board
When you are finished with your demo, pack up your FPGA development board. Neatly put the board, power cable, and USB cable back in the box. Return the box to a TA who will then record the board number on your check-off sheet, initial the final check-off, and then collect your check-off sheet.
6. Lab Report Submission
Students should work with their partner to prepare a short lab report that conveys what they have learned in this lab assignment. The lab report should start with no more than two pages of text. Students should include all figures, tables, and diagrams after these two pages in an appendix. The appendix can be as many pages as necessary. Do not interleave the text, figures, tables, and diagrams. There should be two pages of text and then the appendix with all of the text, figures, tables, and diagrams.
There are no restrictions on font size, margins, or line spacing, but please make sure your report is readable. We recommend using 10pt Times or 10pt Palintino with 0.75in to 1in margins. Please make sure you include a title, your names, and your NetIDs at the top of the first page. Do not include a title page.
The lab report must include the following numbered sections. Please number your sections and use these specific titles. Please follow the guidelines on the number of paragraphs, the content of each paragraph, and which figures/tables to include. Some paragraphs might just be 2-3 sentences.
Section 1. Introduction (one paragraph)
- Include 2-3 sentences explaining what the lab involves
- Include one sentence explaining the purpose of this lab (why are students doing this lab?)
- Include one sentence explicitly connecting the lab to one or more lecture topics; be specific on which lecture topics this lab reinforces with experiential learning
Section 2. Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor (two paragraphs)
Paragraph 1: Accumulate Assembly Program
- Include a sentence referencing your accumulate assembly program listing in the appendix
- Include 2-3 sentences clearly describing how the accumulate assembly program works
Paragraph 2: Single-Cycle TinyRV1 Processor FPGA Implementation
- Include a sentence referencing the data tables in the appendix
- Include a sentence discussing the area of the processor
- Include 2-3 sentences referencing your annotated processor datapath diagram in the appendix, clearly describing where the critical path is in your processor, and discussing if this is the expected path
- Include a sentence discussing the number of cycles required for the processor to accumulate 31 elements; clearly justify this cycle count
- Include a sentence discussing the total execution time in nanoseconds required for the processor to accumulate 31 elements
Section 3. Accumulate Accelerator (two paragraphs)
Paragraph 1: Accumulate Accelerator Design
- Include a sentence referencing your datapath and FSM diagram
- Include several sentences that clearly explain how your accumulate accelerator works by describing the interaction between the datapath and control unit; be sure to clearly explain how the accelerator starts and stops
Paragraph 2: Accumulate Accelerator FPGA implementation
- Include a sentence referencing the data tables in the appendix
- Include a sentence discussing the area of the accelerator
- Include 2-3 sentences referencing your annotated accelerator datapath diagram in the appendix, clearly describing where the critical path is in your accelerator, and discussing if this is the expected path
- Include a sentence discussing the number of cycles required for the accelerator to accumulate 31 elements; clearly justify this cycle count
- Include a sentence discussing the total execution time in nanoseconds required for the accelerator to accumulate 31 elements
Section 5: Conclusion (one paragraph)
- Include a sentence that provides a clear quantitative comparison in terms of area and performance between using a general-purpose processor vs. specialized hardware for this accumulate kernel
- Include a sentence that provides a clear qualitative comparison in terms of design complexity and generality between using a general-purpose processor vs. specialized hardware
- Include a sentence that draws a high-level conclusion; how has what you have learned impact your perspective of computer engineering
- Complex TinyRV1 program worksheet (from Lab 4D)
- Three-function calculator assembly program
- Accumulate assembly program
- FPGA Area and Performance Data Tables
- RTL viewer showing complete hierarchy on left and full adder gate-level implementation on the right
- Chip planner showing location of logic used to implement processor
- Processor datapath diagram with highlighted critical path and annotated delays
- Accumulate accelerator datapath diagram with highlighted critical path and annotated delays
- Accumulate accelerator FSM diagram
- You do not need to include the actual critical path reports!