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Lab 2: Two-Function Calculator (Code and Simulation)

Lab 2 will give you experience designing, implementing, testing, and prototyping more complicated combinational logic using the Verilog hardware description language. In addition to leveraging the concepts from lecture across two key abstraction layers: logic gates and Boolean equations, this lab will also reinforce three key abstraction principles: modularity, hierarchy, and regularity. This lab will give students experience with several combinational building blocks including multiplexors, adders, and multipliers.

You will be implementing a two-function calculator that takes as input two binary values and then calculates either the sum or the product of these two values. The input values and the result will be displayed on seven-segment displays using your Verilog hardware design from Lab 1. Parts of the calculator will be used in future labs. Your implementation will mostly use combinational logic gates and/or Boolean equations, but you will also start to explore very simple register-transfer-level modeling. You will also gain experience comparing implementations using gate-level and Boolean equations vs implementations using register-transfer-level modeling. Lab 2.1 focuses on using simulation to test your design, while Lab 2.2 will explore integrating, synthesizing, analyzing, and configuring your design for an FPGA prototype. Lab 2 must be done with a partner. You can confirm your assigned partner on Canvas (Click on People, then Groups, then search for your name to find your lab group)

This handout assumes that you have read and understand the course tutorials and that you have attended the discussion sections. To get started, use VS Code to log into an ecelinux server, source the setup script, and clone your individual remote repository from GitHub:

 % source
 % mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300
 % cd ${HOME}/ece2300
 % git clone
 % cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX
 % tree

where XX should be replaced with your group number. You can both pull and push to your remote repository. If you have already cloned your remote repository, then use git pull to ensure you have any recent updates before working on your lab assignment.

 % cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX
 % git pull
 % tree

Go ahead and create a build directory in the lab2-calc directory for this lab, and run configure to generate a Makefile.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab2-calc
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure

Your repo contains the following files which are part of the automated build system:

  • Makefile for the build system
  • configure: Configure script for the build system
  • Used to generate the configure script
  • scripts: Scripts used by the build system

The hw subdirectory includes the following Verilog hardware design files.

  • BinaryToSevenSeg_GL.v: Binary-to-seven-segment converter
  • BinaryToBinCodedDec_GL.v: Binary-to-BCD converter
  • Display_GL.v: Five-bit numeric display
  • FullAdder_GL.v: Full adder
  • AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL.v: 4-bit ripple-carry adder
  • AdderRippleCarry_8b_GL.v: 8-bit ripple-carry adder
  • Mux2_1b_GL.v: 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • Mux2_4b_GL.v: 4-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • Mux2_8b_GL.v: 8-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL.v: 8-bit carry-select adder
  • Adder_8b_RTL.v: 8-bit register-transfer-level adder
  • Multiplier_1x8b_GL.v: 1-bit by 8-bit multplier
  • Multiplier_2x8b_GL.v: 2-bit by 8-bit multplier
  • Multiplier_2x8b_RTL.v: 2-bit by 8-bit register-transfer-level multiplier
  • Calculator_GL.v: Calculator supporting addition and multiplication
  • CalculatorDisplay_GL.v: Calculator with seven-segment displays

The test subdirectory includes the following test libraries and test benches.

  • ece2300-test.v: ECE 2300 unit testing framework
  • BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test.v: Tests for binary-to-seven-segment converter
  • BinaryToBinCodedDec_GL-test.v: Tests for binary-to-BCD converter
  • Display_GL-test.v: Tests for five-bit numeric display
  • FullAdder_GL-test.v: Tests for full adder
  • AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL-test.v: Tests for 4-bit ripple-carry adder
  • AdderRippleCarry_8b_GL-test.v: Tests for 8-bit ripple-carry adder
  • Mux2_1b_GL-test.v: Tests for 1-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • Mux2_4b_GL-test.v: Tests for 4-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • Mux2_8b_GL-test.v: Tests for 8-bit 2-to-1 multiplexor
  • AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL-test.v: Tests for 8-bit carry-select adder
  • Adder_8b_RTL-test.v: Tests for 8-bit register-transfer-level adder
  • Multiplier_1x8b_GL-test.v: Tests for 1-bit by 8-bit multplier
  • Multiplier_2x8b_GL-test.v: Tests for 2-bit by 8-bit multplier
  • Multiplier_2x8b_RTL-test.v: Tests for 2-bit by 8-bit register-transfer-level multiplier
  • Calculator_GL-test.v: Tests for calculator supporting addition and multiplication
  • CalculatorDisplay_GL-test.v: Tests for calculator with seven-segment displays

Finally, the sim directory includes the following interactive simulator.

  • calculator-sim.v: Interactive simulator for calculator with seven-segment displays

The _GL suffix indicates which hardware designs should be implemented using the logic gate or Boolean equation layers of abstraction. For these designs, students are only allowed to use these Verilog constructs:

  • wire, assign
  • not, and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor
  • ~, &, |, ^
  • literals (e.g., 1'b0, 1'b1)
  • module instantiation

The _RTL suffix indicates which hardware designs should be implemented using register-transfer-level (RTL) modeling. For RTL designs, students can additionally use the following Verilog constructs.

  • + *

Using unallowed Verilog constructs will result in significant penalties for code functionality and code quality. If you have any questions on what Verilog constructs can and cannot be used, please ask an instructor. There are no restrictions on Verilog constructs in test benches.

The lab assignment is divided into two parts each with several steps. Complete each step before moving on to the next step.

  • Part A (Submit on GitHub by Thu, Sep 26 @ 11:59pm)

    • Step 1. Copy your lab 1 design and testing code into lab 2
    • Step 2. Implement and test FullAdder_GL
    • Step 3. Implement and test AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL
    • Step 4. Implement and test AdderRippleCarry_8b_GL
    • Step 5. Implement and test Mux2_1b_GL
    • Step 6. Implement and test Mux2_4b_GL
    • Step 7. Implement and test Mux2_8b_GL
    • Step 8. Implement and test AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL
    • Step 9. Implement and test Adder_8b_RTL
  • Part B (Submit on GitHub by Thu, Oct 3 @ 11:59pm)

    • Step 10. Implement and test Multiplier_1x8b_GL
    • Step 11. Implement and test Multiplier_2x8b_GL
    • Step 12. Implement and test Multiplier_2x8b_RTL
    • Step 13. Implement and test Calculator_GL
    • Step 14. Implement and test CalculatorDisplay_GL

Students will almost certainly need to spend significant time outside of their lab session to complete this lab. Students with a lab session early in the week can use their lab session to get started with the help of the course staff and then finish on their own before the deadline. Students with a lab session late in the week can get started on their own and use their lab session to finish their lab with the help of the course staff. Even though Part B does not need to be submitted on GitHub until Thursday, October 3rd, students still must have Part B completed before their lab session during the FPGA week in order to complete the FPGA lab check-off tasks.

It is critical for students to work together to complete the lab assignment. It is unlikely one student can complete the entire lab on their own. A very productive approach is to have one student work on the design of a few hardware modules while the other student works on the test benches for those same hardware modules. Then work together to test and debug these modules. Then switch roles and move on the next few modules.

Even though this may seem like many steps, several hardware modules are reused from Lab 1. Some hardware modules can be implemented in just a few lines of Verilog (e.g., FullAdder_GL, Mux2_1b_GL, Adder_8b_RTL, Multiplier_2x8b_RTL). It should also be possible to reuse your test cases unchagned to verify hardware modules that have the same interface (e.g., the same test cases can be used for AdderRippleCarry_8b_GL, AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL, and Adder_8b_RTL; similarly, the same test cases can be used for Multiplier_2x8b_GL and Multiplier_2x8b_RTL). Be strategic; work through one step at a time; start early!

1. Interface and Implementation Specification

You will be implementing and composing a variety of combinational building blocks including muxes, adders, and multipliers; ultimately you will be composing combinational building blocks to implement a two-function calculator that takes as input two binary values and then calculates either the sum or the product of these two values. This section describe the required interface (i.e., the ports for the module and the module's functional behavior) before describing the required implementation (i.e., what goes inside the module) for each combinational building block.

1.1. Five-Bit Numeric Display

Recall the five-bit numeric display you implemented in Lab 1 which takes as input a five-bit binary value and outputs two seven-bit values, each of which can be used to control a seven-segment display.

You should reuse your code from Lab 1. You can choose either the unoptimized or optimized implementation from either partner. Copy this code into BinaryToSevenSeg_GL.v, BinaryToBinCodedDec_GL.v, Display_GL.v in your Lab 2 repo.

1.2. Full Adder

A full adder adds three one-bit input values to produce a single two-bit output.

Review the lecture notes to derive the truth table for a full adder and implement this truth table in FullAdder_GL.v. Use either an explicit gate-level network or Boolean equations. Even though we learned from Lab 1 that the FPGA tools will thoroughly optimize your logic, we sill recommend using simplified logic for the sum and cout signals to enable the reader to easily see that this module does indeed implement a full adder.

1.3. Four-Bit Ripple-Carry Adder

A four-bit adder performs four-bit binary addition (i.e., adds two four-bit input values to determine a four-bit sum output). A four-bit ripple-carry adder chains together four full-adders to enable adding two four-bit values producing a four-bit sum.

Review the lecture notes to understand how a four-bit ripple-carry adder implements binary addition. This specific ripple-carry adder includes a dedicated carry input port (cin) since we are going to want to chain multiple instances of the ripple carry adder together to create even larger adders.

To implement the ripple-carry adder, we need to take a four-bit input port and use bit slicing to connect each bit of the input port to a different full adder module. We also need to take four one-bit outputs from the four full adders and use bit slicing to connect them to each bit of the four-bit output port. In the above block-level diagram, we indicate bit slicing with a small diagonal line and which bit is being sliced in brackets.

Implement a four-bit ripple-carry adder in AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL.v by instantiating four FullAdder_GL modules and correctly connecting all of the ports. You will need three internal wires to implement the carry chain.

1.4. Eight-Bit Ripple-Carry Adder

We can implement an eight-bit ripply-carry adder by simply chaining together two four-bit ripple carry adders.

We again need to use bit slicing to connect four-bit slices of the input and output ports to the four-bit ripple carry adders.

Implement an eight-bit ripple-carry adder in AdderRippleCarry_8b_GL.v by instantiating AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL modules and correctly connecting all of the ports. You will need an internal wire to implement the carry chain.

1.5. One-Bit Two-to-One Multiplexor

A one-bit two-to-one multiplexor has two input ports and a select input port which chooses which input port should be assigned to the output port.

Review the lecture notes to derive the truth table for a one-bit two-to-one multiplexor and implement this truth table in Mux2_1b_GL.v. Use either an explicit gate-level network or Boolean equations.

1.6. Four-Bit Two-to-One Multiplexor

A four-bit two-to-one multiplexor has two four-bit input ports and a selec tinput which chooses which input port should be assigned to the four-bit output port.

We can implement a four-bit two-to-one multiplexor by using four one-bit two-to-one multiplexors in parallel. The top-level select input is connected to every child mux's select input. In the diagram above, we are using "fly over" connections where the select signal "flys over" each mux; the arrow heads indicate where the fly over connects to each mux's select input. We use bit slicing to connect each bit of the four-bit input and output ports to the appropropriate one-bit input and output ports of the child muxes.

Implement a four-bit two-to-one multiplexor in Mux2_4b_GL.v by instantiating four Mux2_1b_GL modules and correctly connecting all of the ports.

1.7. Eight-Bit Two-to-One Multiplexor

We can implement an eight-bit two-to-one multiplexor by simply instantiating two four-bit two-to-one multiplexors.

We again need to use bit slicing to connect four-bit slices of the input and output ports to the four-bit muxes.

Implement an eight-bit two-to-one multiplexor in Mux2_8b_GL.v by instantiating Mux2_4b_GL modules and correctly connecting all of the ports.

1.8. Eight-Bit Carry-Select Adder

An eight-bit carry-select adder has the same interface as an eight-bit ripple-carry adder but a very different implementation. An eight-bit carry-select adder breaks the addition operation into two parts: a four-bit lower ripple-carry adder is used to calculate the lower four bits of the sum output. Two four-bit upper ripple-carry adders are used to redundantly calculate the sum of the upper four bits; one assumes the carry out from the lower adder is zero and the other assumes the carry out from the lower adder is one. In this way all three four-bit ripple-carry adders can operate in parallel. Once we know the carry output from the lower adder we can use a four-bit two-to-one mux to quickly choose the correct sum for the upper four bits.

Review the lectures notes on carry-select adders and implement an eight-bit carry-select adder in AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL by instantiating three AdderRippleCarry_4b_GL modules, one Mux2_4b_GL module, and one Mux2_1b_GL module and then correctly connecting all of the ports. You will likely need some internal wires.

1.9. Eight-Bit Register-Transfer-Level Adder

All of work in the lab assignments so far has involved using gate-level networks and/or Boolean equations. We will gradually start to experiment with using register-transfer-level (RTL) modeling throughout the rest of the lab assignments. RTL modeling involves working at a higher-level of abstraction. This can drastically increase designer productivity but only if the designer always keeps in mind the hardware we are actually modeling! It is possible to use Verilog RTL which does not model any kind of real hardware.

When using Boolean equations, we are only allowed to use a very limited number of Verilog operators (~, &, |, ^). The simplest form of RTL modeling enables using more sophisticated operators. For example, instead of implementing an eight-bit ripple-carry adder or an eight-bit carry-select adder, we can use RTL modeling through the + operator to implement an eight-bit adder in a single line of Verilog.

For example, here is an eight-bit RTL adder without a carry input or carry output:

module Adder_8b_RTL
  input  logic [7:0] in0,
  input  logic [7:0] in1,
  output logic [7:0] sum

  assign sum = in0 + in1;


Notice how we use logic instead of wire in RTL modeling; the logic datatype is meant for modeling at high levels of abstraction. Clearly this is much more productive than implementing a ripple-carry or carry-select adder using a gate-level network or Boolean equations. However, we have also given up control over the exact adder implementation. When using RTL modeling, we usually give the FPGA tools more freedom to choose the detailed implementation of some combinational building blocks like adders.

In this lab assignment, we want our adders to have carry input and carry output ports. We can use the following RTL to achieve implement this kind of adder.

module Adder_8b_RTL
  input  logic [7:0] in0,
  input  logic [7:0] in1,
  input  logic       cin,
  output logic       cout,
  output logic [7:0] sum

  assign {cout,sum} = in0 + in1 + {7'b0,cin};


We must zero extend cin since Verilator will not allow us to add signals of different bitwidths. We assign the output to a concetentation of two signals so we can retrieve the carry output.

Implement an eight-bit RTL adder in Adder_8b_RTL.

1.10. One-bit by Eight-Bit Multiplier

A one-bit by eight-bit multiplier multiplies an eight-bit input value by a one-bit input value to determine an eight-bit product output. Review the lecture notes for more on multipliers and then implement this simple multiplier in Multiplier_1x8b_GL. Use either an explicit gate-level network or Boolean equations.

1.11. Two-bit by Eight-Bit Multiplier

A two-bit by eight-bit multiplier multiplies an eight-bit input value by a two-bit input value to determine an eight-bit product output.

We use two one-bit by eight-bit multipliers to create the two partial products, and then we use an eight-bit adder to sum these two partial products to get the final result. If the output overflows then the implementation should truncate by using the lower eight bits of the product.

Review the lecture nodes for more on multipliers and then implement this multiplier in Multiplier_2x8b_GL by instantiating two Multiplier_1x8b_GL modules and one AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL and correctly connecting all of the ports. You will likely need some internal wires. Note that you may also have some unused signals (i.e., the carry output from the adder and the most significant bit of the sum). These unused signals will cause verilator linting errors. If a signal has unused in its name, then verilator will assume the designer explicitly wants this signal to be unused. So you can use the following Verilog snippet to avoid unused signal errors for a wire named foo.

wire foo_unused;
assign foo_unused = foo;

Feel free to use such snippets with an associated comment if you are confident that the signal really should be unused.

1.12. Two-bit by Eight-Bit Register-Transfer-Level Multiplier

Similar to our eight-bit RTL adder, we can also implement a two-bit by eight-bit RTL multplier. Instead of implementing the multiplier by instantiating various hardware modules, we can use RTL modeling through the * operator to implement an eight-bit multiplier in a single line of Verilog. Implement such a two-bit by eight-bit RTL multiplier in Multiplier_8b_RTL.

1.13. Two-Function Calculator

We can now put our adder and multiplier together using an eight-bit two-to-one mux to create a two-function calculator. The calculator has an op input to select which operation we want to perform. If op is zero then we perform addition; if op is one then we perform multiplication. Note that you will need to connect just the least-significant two bits of input in1 to the multiplier's input in1.

Implement the calculator in Calculator_GL.v by instantiating an AdderCarrySelect_8b_GL module, an Multiplier_2x8b_GL module, and a Mux2_8b_GL module and then correctly connecting all of the ports. You will likely need some internal wires. You may also need to use an extra Verilog snippet to avoid unused signal errors.

1.14. Two-Function Calculator with Seven-Segment Displays

We are finally now ready to implement the complete calculator with the seven-segnment displays. The inputs are only five bits, so you will need to zero extend these values when connecting them to the inputs of the calculator. Both inputs and the output of the calculator should be attached to an instance of the five-bit numeric display module you developed in the previous lab. Implement the complete calculator in CalculatorDisplay_GL.v by instantiating a Calculator_GL module and three Display_GL modules and then correctly connecting all of the ports.

2. Testing Strategy

You are responsible for developing an effective testing strategy to ensure all implementations are correct. Writing tests is one of the most important and challenging aspects of designing hardware. Hardware engineers often spend far more time implementing tests than they do implementing the actual hardware design.

2.1. Basic Testing

We will be using the same lightweight testing framework from Lab 1. For each hardware module, we provide a test bench for you to use along with one basic test case. Unlike in Lab 1, we will now be using an automated build system to simplify linting, compiling, and running tests. You can run the basic tests for all hardware modules using the generated Makefile.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab2-calc/build
% make check

You can also build and run a single test simulator.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab2-calc/build
% make BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test
% ./BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test

You can specify which specific test case to run on the command line and also dump waveforms that can be viewed using Surfer.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab2-calc/build
% make BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test
% ./BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test +test-case=1
% ./BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test +test-case=1 +dump-vcd=waves.vcd

2.2. Exhaustive Testing

The following test benches are for hardwware modules with a limited number of inputs, and thus you can (and should) use exhaustive testing:

  • BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test.v
  • BinaryToBinCodedDec_GL-test.v
  • Display_GL-test.v
  • FullAdder_GL-test.v
  • Mux2_1b_GL-test.v

To get started, you should copy your exhaustive test cases from Lab 1 into BinaryToSevenSeg_GL-test.v, BinaryToBinCodedDec_GL-test.v, and Display_GL-test.v. Verify that all of your basic and exhaustive tests for these modules are passing.

2.3. Directed Testing

The remaining hardware modules all have many more inputs and thus would required hundreds or even thousands of checks to implement exhaustive testing. So for the remaining hardware modules you can use directed testing to check for specific corner cases. You should implement a few directed test cases for each hardware module where exhaustive testing is not applicable. Each directed test case should focus on testing a very specific kind of functionality and they should contain 2-10 checks. Be sure to add your tests cases to the list in the initial block and to check the output of the test simulator to confirm that your directed test cases are running and testing what you expect them to. Consider purposefully inserting a bug in your designs to see if your directed test cases will catch the bug.

2.4. Random Testing

Directed testing is useful for testing the known unknowns, but what about the unknown unknowns? How should we test for corner cases we have not even thought of yet? Random testing can help increase our testing coverage and increase our confident that our hardware design is functionally correct. You should implement one random test case for each hardware module where exhaustive testing is not applicable. Random test cases should include a for loop with approximately 50 iterations. Each iteration should: (1) generate random input values; (2) use Verilog test code to programmatically determine the correct output values; and (3) use the check task to ensure the design-under-test produces the correct outputs give the corresponding random inputs.

2.3. Simulator

We have provided you a simple calculator simulator which will emulate what you will prototype during the Lab 2 FPGA week. After finishing your implementation for the complete two-function calculator, you can build and run the calculator simulator like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/groupXX/lab2-calc/build
% make calculator-sim
% ./calculator-sim +in0-switches=00100 +in1-switches=00011 +button=0
% ./calculator-sim +in0-switches=00100 +in1-switches=00011 +button=1

The switches are connected to the inputs of the calculator, andt he button is connected to the op input of the calculator. The calculator simulator will show what the six seven segment displays would look like on the FPGA prototype.

3. Lab Code Submission

Your code quality score will be based on the way you format the text in your source files, proper use of comments, deletion of instructor comments, and uploading the correct files to GitHub (only source files should be uploaded, no generated build files). Note that students must remove unnecessary comments that are provided by instructors in the code distributed to students. Students must not commit executable binaries or any other unnecessary files.

To submit your code you simply upload it to GitHub. Your design code will be assessed both in terms of functionality and code quality. Your functionality score will be determined by running your code against a series of tests developed by the instructors to test its correctness. Your test bench code will also be assessed both in terms of verification quality and code quality. Here is how we will be testing your code submission for Lab 2 Part A:

% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions
% git clone

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions/groupXX/lab2-calc
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check-partA

Here is how we will be testing your code submission for Lab 2 Part B:

% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions
% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions
% git clone

% cd ${HOME}/ece2300/submissions/groupXX/lab2-calc
% mkdir -p build
% cd build
% ../configure
% make check